What is the relationship between the (moderate) consumption of wine and its health benefits? This text, soon to be published in English, divulges and clarifies for the first time the biological mechanisms underlying this beneficial effect, describing the sensational discovery of the key link between the consumption of particular substances present in wine (polyphenols) and the activation of a fundamental cellular self-cleaning mechanism, autophagy.
This biological phenomenon, essential for the maintenance of health, was finally rewarded, after lengthy research, with the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2016.
The stimulation of autophagy, obtained through the activation of the sirtuin enzymes (determined precisely by the consumption of some polyphenols contained in the wine) would allow the recycling and the beneficial renewal of the cells of our body, avoiding (in moderate consumers) to incur many diseases related to aging.
The new edition describes an overview of current knowledge on the relationship between cellular autophagy and the main diseases related to human aging (neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes or cancer) some plant foods are mentioned, rich in active polyphenols, also able to stimulate (similarly to wine) the sirtuins activating the autophagy mechanism.
Finally, there are some recommendations on the adequate amount of wine to be taken in daily diet, to maximize the health effects of the aforementioned “autophagy” polyphenols, without incurring excessive (and harmful) consumption of ethyl alcohol.