The book is divided in two parts: Practice and Experiences.
The first part is dedicated to the practice of Ki (Shin Shin Toitsu Do) and introduces the basis of the concept of human nature of Unity of Mind and Body, through the explanation of the Principles (with the list of all Principles). Through a series of simple exercises, helps to develop the security and the ability using relaxation and correct posture, realising the “One Point Centre of the Space”. A second chapter is dedicated to the art of Ki Aikido (Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido); the aim of this discipline is the harmonisation of the self with the outside world.
The second part concerns the author’s experiences during 20 years of teaching the Principles of the “Mind and Body Unification” and the Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido, in many different situations: to the rehabilitation therapists, to handicapped people, musicians, dancers and sportsmen, to children and student in Public School. There are also described the working methods and results obtained in terms of the benefits of this discipline in the different areas of application.
The book is rich of numerous illustrations and contains the list of all Principles and the Taigi list, and the illustrations about the Ki Taiso and the Aiki Taiso.